Select one of the packages below to donate to our server. You can choose between donating with rewards and without rewards (if you just wish to support the server). Make sure your in-game name is spelled correctly!
Monthly Server Costs
0.00 / 10.00 USD (0%)
Server Status
Top Donor of the Month
Recent Donors
1x Donate with Rewards (1 Month)
1x Donate with Rewards (1 Month)
1x Donate with Rewards (1 Month)
1x Donate with Rewards (1 Month)
Donate with Rewards (1 Month)
This package includes being able to join the server when it's full, access to the /hat command, access to the /heads database (over 40,000 custom heads), and a blue name in chat, all for 1 month. Make sure you spell your in game name correctly to receive the rewards.
Further rewards are planned for the near future.
Donate with Rewards (1 Year)
This package includes being able to join the server when it's full, access to the /hat command, access to the /heads database (over 40,000 custom heads), and a blue name in chat, all for 1 year! Make sure you spell your in game name correctly to receive the rewards.
Further rewards are planned for the near future.
Donate without Rewards
You will not receive any rewards for donating this way. Use this if you don't want the blue name or the other perks, but still want to contribute to the server. A message will be sent in game stating the name you fill out has donated, if you want to donate anonymously you can put Alex or Steve in the field.